
Environmentalism policies on immigration issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Portuguese voter ranked them on the quiz.


移民  ›  遣送移民罪犯出境


E>E  ChatGPT是的,只要他们回到他们的国家是安全的

移民  ›  Muslim Immigrant Ban


E>E  ChatGPT不,根据他们的宗教禁止移民是违反宪法的

移民  ›  移民同化

Should immigrants be required to learn the Portuguese language?

E>E  ChatGPT不,我们应该拥抱移民为我们社会的多样性作出的贡献

移民  ›  技术移民

Should Portugal increase or decrease the amount of temporary work visas given to high-skilled immigrant workers?

E>E  ChatGPT增长

移民  ›  双重国籍

Should immigrants to Portugal be allowed to hold dual citizenship status?

E>E  ChatGPT是的

How similar are your political beliefs to Environmentalism issues? Take the political quiz to find out.