다음은 이 유권자의 답변과 비교한 귀하의 답변입니다.
보건 › COVID 마스크 의무
K>K 개인 답변아니요, 정부에서 권장해야하지만 요구하지는 않습니다. |
사회적 › 직장에서의 성 다양성
K>K 개인 답변아니요, 이사회 임원은 성별과 관계 없이 최고 적임자가 맡아야 합니다 |
경제 › 최저임금
K>K 개인 답변Yes, but only with annual adjustments in line with CPI and with regional adjustments financed by States (if the State so chooses). Minimum wage jobs are meant to develop experience, not support a family. |
경제 › 법인세
K>K 개인 답변낮춰야 합니다, 하지만, 세금 감면제도을 없애고 헛점을 보완해야 합니다. |
사회적 › 트랜스젠더 운동 선수
K>K 개인 답변아니요, 선수들은 출생 증명서에 등재 된 생물학적성에 근거하여 경쟁해야합니다 |
과학 › 필수 예방 접종
K>K 개인 답변아니,하지만 다른 아이들에게 치명적인 질병을 전송하기위한 형사 책임을 부모 개최 |
경제 › 세금
K>K 개인 답변소득세를 폐지하고, 모든 공제를 승인하지 않으며 부가가치세를 인상해야 합니다 |
외교 정책 › 의무 병역
K>K 개인 답변No, but should incentivize National Service (including military) bonus for those who serve (such as tuition, education, financial reward of mortgage/rent and/or 401K pension programs). |
선거 › 최소 투표연령
K>K 개인 답변Yes, but make all voters pass the same citizenship exam that is required for immigrants becoming US Citizens. |
사회적 › 성별 전환
K>K 개인 답변Yes, if made by consent of the youth with proper education, AND with consent of parents, 3 physicians approval, 3 psychologists approval, and a biological need (as biological sex is a spectrum). This question should be rephrased with examples, such as obvious hermaphroditism at birth, genetic testing/evidence, chimerism, Turner’s syndrome, other DSD cases, etc. Reference YouTube SciShow episode “science proves more than two human sexes.” Lastly, society should celebrate differences. |
범죄 › 마약 밀매에 대한 처벌
K>K 개인 답변Yes, as long as they are given a fair trial and this option is specifically independently selected form a variety of options and endorsed by the jury. |
경제 › 경기 부양 대책
K>K 개인 답변Yes, but 1) only at a locally combined rate at the Region/State/Metro area to the specifically affected companies and their employees, 2) to sectors that provide immediate jobs, training, and 3) a patr-time State/Federal volunteer program various public works projects (part-time to allow for re-education, earned income, and time off to look for new work or relocation). |
국내 정채 › 소셜 미디어 규제
K>K 개인 답변No, if the company is private; limited yes if the company is publicly owned. |
이민 › 무슬림 이민자 금지
K>K 개인 답변아니요, 종교에 따른 이민 금지는 반헌법적입니다 |
경제 › 복지
K>K 개인 답변Reform the system, ensure welfare recipients are actively doing what they need to do to remove themselves from welfare. Oversight need to be better. A pipeline out of the system needs to be created to limit dependency on welfare. welfare should not be lifelong. |
경제 › 정부 지출
K>K 개인 답변It depends. Spending should be based on building the economy through long term programs with multi-year appropriations on education, infrastructure (to transport goods, services, ideas), and public needs (water, utilities, health). If a program is not in these specific long-term, multi-year appropriations, it should be subject to spending cuts. |
경제 › 보편적 기본 소득
K>K 개인 답변Yes, but modified as a Basic Needs Program (not income) where basic foods, shelter, and education are available (raw, uncooked, unprocessed foods such as rice, grain, fruits, vegetables), college dormitory housing, group homes, or community housing, and job training. |
선거 › 입후보자의 투명성
K>K 개인 답변No. Candidates should only release such data when this becomes a legal requirement, either by Act of Congress or by subpoena; however, voluntary release of such private data would make me more comfortable and knowledgeable about the candidate's trustworthiness and to whom the candidate might be susceptible. Once the candidate is elected to office, financial review is a requirement of security clearance (along with medical records) -- and should be open to FOIA (Freedom of Information Act). |
과학 › 핵 에너지
K>K 개인 답변Yes, if it is locally practical; moreover, we should invest more in decentralized micro-grids, battery technology, and cleaner alternatives such as solar, wind, geothermal, and fusion. |
이민 › 시민권 시험
K>K 개인 답변예, 그리고 기본적인 수준의 이해 정도 이상의 것을 테스트해야 합니다. |
국내 정채 › 의약품 정책
K>K 개인 답변Yes, for most drugs; however, allow government and private companies to drug test and fire people if that is their policy |
경제 › 노동 조합
K>K 개인 답변Hurt. Historically, unions had done some good but have recently become corrupt and should have their powers limited. I support some private unions but am strongly against public unions. |
이민 › 기술 이민자
K>K 개인 답변Increase, but penalize companies taking advantage of this program to decrease wages |
국가 안보 › 외국인 암살
K>K 개인 답변Yes, but only with the authorization of Congress and (even last second) notice given to the United Nations of targets. |
범죄 › 교도소 과잉 수용
K>K 개인 답변네, 하지만 매일 일정하게 사회 봉사를 해야만 합니다. |
보건 › 안전 피난처
K>K 개인 답변네, 마약 남용은 범죄 문제가 아닌 건강 문제로 취급되어야 합니다 |
경제 › 복지 관련 약물 검사
K>K 개인 답변예, 하지만, 양성 반응자에 대해서만 치료를 제공합니다. |
이민 › 이중 국적
K>K 개인 답변No, after a dual citizen turns 18, they must decide which citizenship to keep, and which to give up. |
범죄 › 경찰 비무장화
K>K 개인 답변No, and police should be separated into different capacities such as general community police and other agencies with specialized training and constitutional training/certification should handle these escalated situations. And integrate some artificial intelligence as a guide to handling verbal/visual clues. |
보건 › 마리화나
K>K 개인 답변예, 그리고 마리화나를 법으로 금지하는 대신, 합법화 해서 세금을 부과하고 규제를 해야합니다. |
외교 정책 › 이스라엘
K>K 개인 답변We should continue to support Israel as we support any other nation -- with sovereignty and diplomacy, and if desired as an ally we can have mutual defense treaties; however, we should not have preferential or differential treatment. |
범죄 › 범죄자의 투표권
K>K 개인 답변예, 하지만 징역과 가석방/ 보호관찰 기간을 다 끝마친 경우에 한정해야 합니다. |
주택 › 노숙자 야영지
K>K 개인 답변No, as such land is for the public for free enjoyment, without of loiterers. Camping on public lands is a separate land resource/program. |
국내 정채 › 망 중립성
K>K 개인 답변아니요 |
국내 정채 › 소셜 미디어의 정치 광고
K>K 개인 답변No; however, political advertising should have a two tier rating system: 1) Professional rating based on objective truthfulness that can be supported/commented on by the Press, foundations, and other groups; and 2) popular rating based on both location/State and the individual's current political party affiliation. |
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더 적은 중요한 순위에있는 6 가지 질문을 바탕으로합니다.
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더 적은 중요한 순위에있는 10 가지 질문을 바탕으로합니다.
더 적은 중요한 순위에있는 2 가지 질문을 바탕으로합니다.
더 적은 중요한 순위에있는 8 가지 질문을 바탕으로합니다.
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더 적은 중요한 순위에있는 6 가지 질문을 바탕으로합니다.
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다음은 전통적인 이념적 축에서 이 유권자와 비교하는 방법입니다.