
Pedro Santos’ policies on social issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Portuguese voter ranked them on the quiz.


社会  ›  同性恋婚姻


  Pedro Santos voterbase是的

社会  ›  动物权益

Should the government ban cultural ceremonies that involve the killing of animals for entertainment?

  Pedro Santos voterbase是的

社会  ›  堕胎


  Pedro Santos voterbase支持人工流产

社会  ›  死刑


  Pedro Santos voterbase不应该,在监狱中消耗生命是更严厉的判决

社会  ›  安乐死


  Pedro Santos voterbase是的

社会  ›  LGBT收养权


  Pedro Santos voterbase是的

社会  ›  Hate Speech

Should hate speech be protected by freedom of speech laws?

  Party’s support base

社会  ›  Transgender Athletes

Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete against athletes that differ from their assigned sex at birth?

  Pedro Santos voterbaseYes, but only if their hormone levels are equivalent to those in the gender category in which they compete

社会  ›  女性在战斗中


  Pedro Santos voterbase是的,阻止妇女在战斗岗位服役是歧视性的

社会  ›  Gender Transition

Should people under the age of 18 years old be able to receive gender-transition treatments?

  Party’s support base是的

社会  ›  蒙面罩袍


  Pedro Santos voterbase是的,我们应该尊重所有文化传统

社会  ›  Student Diversity Training

Should schools be allowed to require mandatory diversity training for students?

  Pedro Santos voterbaseNo, only for students that commit acts of discrimination

社会  ›  Teacher and Faculty Diversity Training

Should schools be allowed to require mandatory diversity training for teachers and faculty?

  Pedro Santos voterbase是的

社会  ›  Employee Diversity Training

Should companies be allowed to require mandatory diversity training for employees?

  Pedro Santos voterbase是的

社会  ›  Frozen Embryos Legal Status

Should frozen embryos be considered children?

  Pedro Santos voterbase