سیاسی کوئز کی کوشش کریں

جواب دیں


Do you believe that strict border policies make a country safer, or do they create additional problems?


How do you think technology should or shouldn't be used to monitor and secure national borders?


Should countries invest more in addressing global issues like poverty and violence to reduce the need for strict border control?


Is it possible to secure borders without infringing on the dignity and rights of others, and how would you do it?


What do you think is the most important factor in determining who can and cannot enter a country?


Have you ever considered how your life might change if you had to move to a different country under restricted access?


Do you think more should be done to enforce border laws, or should there be a focus on human rights for those crossing borders?


What emotions come to mind when you think about walls or barriers between countries?


How do you feel about the balance between national security and the freedom to move across borders?