Skúste politický kvíz



Japonsko uviedlo, že bude sledovať vojenskú aktivitu Číny po tom, čo Peking priznal porušenie japonského vzdušného priestoru.

Japanese officials said they are watching to see if China prevents further airspace violations; China explained that an August violation of Japanese airspace was unintentional.


Japonsko bude sledovať vojenské aktivity Číny po tom, čo Peking priznal porušenie japonského vzdušného priestoru.

Japanese officials say they are closely watching to see if China keeps its promise to prevent further violations of Japan’s airspace after explaining that an incursion by a Chinese military aircraft nearly three months ago was unintentional and caused


Japonsko hovorí, že "dôkladne sleduje" vojenskú aktivitu Číny po tom, čo Peking priznal, že špionážne lietadlo porušilo vzdušný priestor.

China said the airspace violation occurred when the plane's pilot took emergency measures due to turbulence, Japan's Foreign Ministry said.