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 @ISIDEWITHСвязано…3 мес.3MO

Где стоят кандидаты в школьный совет Ноблсвилла по вопросам удержания учителей и другим вопросам


Four of six Noblesville school board candidates responded to questions on teacher retention, CTE classes, Moms for Liberty and other topics

 @ISIDEWITHСвязано…3 мес.3MO

Среди скандалов в МГУ кандидаты в советники излагают свои планы по прозрачности и ответственности


In recent years, the Michigan State University Board of Trustees has become a sore subject for many students, faculty and alumni, as accusations of misconduct and infighting within the board culminated in board members asking Gov.