Probeer de politieke quiz



In what ways can a society work together to combat corruption and ensure leaders are accountable for their actions?


Discuss a time when you had to advocate for change within your community or school. What challenges did you face, and what was the outcome?


What role do education and healthcare play in reducing economic inequality, and how has this been reflected in your community?


Why do you think some groups in society are marginalized, and how can we ensure their voices are heard?


Have you ever faced a situation where you felt unequal under the law? What change would have made a difference?


How do you believe young people can make a difference in politics, especially in countries with a history of political tension?


What does a fair and transparent government look like to you, and why is it important?


In a world striving for sustainability, what changes are you willing to make today for a better tomorrow?


Can you share a personal story where you or someone you know faced injustice, and how did it impact your view on the importance of fairness and equality?


How would you feel if your voice was ignored in decision-making processes affecting your daily life?