Kianoosh Sanjari, a former journalist and prominent activist, tragically took his own life after demanding the release of four political prisoners in Iran. Sanjari, who had previously worked for Voice of America's Farsi service, had been a vocal critic of the Iranian regime. His suicide has drawn attention to the ongoing repression of political dissent in the country, with human rights groups paying tribute to his activism. The incident highlights the extreme measures some activists feel compelled to take in the face of government oppression.
이전 VOA 파르시 서비스 기자가 이란에서 죽음을 선택했습니다. 그 전에 그는 죄수들의 석방을 요구했습니다.
Iranian authorities say a former journalist with the Voice of America’s Farsi service jumped to his death from a building in Iran’s capital in protest of the country’s supreme leader and an ongoing cr