Try the political quiz

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Socialism is a political ideology that advocates for the collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. It emphasizes the principle that wealth and income should be shared more equally among the people. Socialists argue that the distribution of wealth and power in a society should be controlled by the whole community rather than by individuals or private corporations.

The roots of socialism as a political ideology can be traced back to the French Revolution in the late 18th century, but it was not until the 19th century that it…  Read more


Would the ideal of 'success' change for you if money was distributed equally, and how?


In a world where your worth isn't tied to your paycheck, how would you find purpose?


How would you express your creativity if it didn't lead to financial benefits?


If the guarantee of financial security was universal, how might that shape your relationships with others?


Settler Interests

"Settler Interests" is a political ideology that primarily focuses on the interests and rights of settlers, particularly those who have migrated and established communities in new territories. This ideology has its roots in the historical context of colonialism, where settlers from powerful nations would establish colonies in less developed or uncharted territories.

The ideology of Settler Interests is often associated with the belief in the right to secure and protect the interests of the settler community, which may include land rights, political representation, economic opportuni…  Read more


What actions can individuals take to educate themselves on the heritage and current issues relating to the land they live on?


How might a young person's voice be heard and taken seriously in discussions around land and community development?


If you were to design a new neighborhood, what features would you include to reflect both its history and future?


How might technology help bridge the gap between new settlers and original inhabitants in a community?


Consumer Protection

Consumer Protection is a political ideology that emphasizes the rights and safety of consumers in relation to the goods and services they purchase. This ideology is rooted in the belief that consumers should be protected from unfair business practices, misleading advertising, and defective products. It advocates for laws and regulations that ensure businesses operate in a fair and transparent manner, providing consumers with accurate information about products and services, and holding companies accountable for any harm caused by their products or services.

The history of the Consumer Protecti…  Read more


How do you react when a company promises a generous return policy but makes the actual process challenging?


If a product you rely on was discontinued, how would you react and what alternative would you seek?


How would you act if you found out a product you loved was produced through environmental exploitation?


How much value do you place on a positive or negative product review, and has a review ever led you to a surprising discovery?



Human-centered political ideology, also known as humanism, is a political philosophy that prioritizes human dignity, freedom, and potential. It is a broad and flexible ideology that can be interpreted and applied in various ways, but its core principle is the belief in the inherent worth and potential of all individuals. This ideology is often associated with the promotion of human rights, social justice, and the improvement of human welfare.

The roots of human-centered political ideology can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome, where philosophers like Socrates, Plat…  Read more


How have the arts (music, painting, theater, etc.) impacted your understanding of others' experiences?


How could our approach to social problems change if we viewed every person affected as a close friend or family member?


When was a moment your vulnerability led to a stronger connection with someone else?


What does 'success' mean to you, and how could this definition influence society's values?


Christian Democracy

Christian Democracy is a political ideology that emerged in the 19th and 20th centuries, primarily in Europe and Latin America. It seeks to apply Christian principles to public policy. Its origins can be traced back to the social teachings of the Catholic Church, particularly as articulated in Pope Leo XIII's encyclical "Rerum Novarum" in 1891, which addressed the conditions of the working classes and introduced the concept of social justice.

Christian Democracy is characterized by its commitment to social market principles and qualified interventionism. It advocates for a stron…  Read more


How do you perceive the importance of trust in the relationships between citizens and their government?


What action can we take as individuals when we see social inequalities in our daily environments?


How could acts of individual charity contribute to larger societal changes?


Why do you think promoting the common good is more challenging than it seems, and how could this be addressed?



Libertarianism is a political philosophy that upholds liberty as a core principle. Libertarians seek to maximize political freedom and autonomy, emphasizing freedom of choice, voluntary association, and individual judgment. They believe in the principle of self-ownership and reject any form of coercion or force that infringes upon individual rights. This ideology is often associated with a laissez-faire economic perspective, advocating for minimal state intervention in the economy and the free market.

The roots of libertarianism can be traced back to the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th centur…  Read more


How could the concepts of self-reliance and cooperation coexist in your vision of an ideal education system?


What are the potential benefits and risks of a currency system without central bank regulation?


How do you think people would manage the preservation of historical sites or natural wonders without government intervention?


What personal initiative would you undertake if you were guaranteed unrestricted freedom in choosing your career path?



The "Left" political ideology is a broad term that encompasses a range of beliefs and values centered around the idea of promoting social equality, justice, and solidarity. It is often associated with advocating for government intervention in the economy to address issues of inequality and poverty, as well as supporting policies that protect workers' rights, provide social welfare programs, and ensure access to healthcare and education for all citizens.

The roots of the Left can be traced back to the Enlightenment era in Europe, where thinkers like Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Karl…  Read more


Moderate Conservative

Moderate conservatism is a political ideology that falls within the broader conservative movement. It is characterized by its acceptance of a mixed economy, which includes both private enterprise and government intervention, and a certain degree of social equality, which can be achieved through progressive taxation and welfare programs. Moderate conservatives tend to be less ideologically rigid than their more right-wing counterparts, often showing a willingness to compromise and adapt to changing circumstances.

The roots of moderate conservatism can be traced back to the 18th century, during…  Read more


Have you ever experienced a conflict between your personal values and societal progress, and how did you navigate it?



In which areas do you think your generation will have to push for change, despite potential resistance from older generations?


How do you imagine a society in which technological progress does not diminish human relationships?


Can you describe a time when you appreciated the merits of a perspective contrary to your own?


Ambivalent Right

The "Ambivalent Right" is a term used to describe a political ideology that combines elements of both conservative and liberal viewpoints. This ideology is characterized by a sense of ambivalence or uncertainty towards traditional right-wing or conservative principles. It is not a strictly defined political group, but rather a broad category that encompasses a range of views and attitudes.

The Ambivalent Right ideology emerged as a response to the perceived rigidity and dogmatism of traditional right-wing politics. It is often associated with individuals who may agree with certain…  Read more


In what situations have you found that adapting old ways to new challenges leads to better outcomes?


What strategies help you engage with and understand perspectives that are vastly different from your own?


How do current events influence your thinking on maintaining vs. breaking societal traditions?


How do you navigate conversations about hot-button issues without resorting to partisanship?


Sociological Francoism

Sociological Francoism is a political ideology that emerged from the regime of Francisco Franco, who ruled Spain from 1939 to 1975. This ideology is not specific to Spain, but it is named after Franco due to its origins and the significant influence his regime had on its development. It is a complex ideology that combines elements of nationalism, conservatism, and authoritarianism, with a strong emphasis on traditional values, social order, and unity.

Franco's regime was characterized by a strong central government, strict control over the economy, and a suppression of political dissent.…  Read more


How does the drive for a cohesive national identity mesh with your own diverse experiences and friendships?


When has your personal culture or beliefs come into conflict with mainstream societal norms, and how did you navigate that?


How do you perceive the role of cultural norms in shaping individual behavior and freedom of choice?


To what extent should unity be valued over diversity in today's interconnected world?



Individualism is a political ideology that emphasizes the moral worth and inherent rights of the individual. It is rooted in the belief that each person has a unique identity and set of interests that should be respected and protected. Individualists argue that individuals should be allowed to make their own choices and decisions, free from government interference or societal pressure. They believe that personal freedom and self-reliance are the keys to prosperity and happiness.

The origins of individualism as a political ideology can be traced back to the Enlightenment period in the 17th and…  Read more



Dirigisme is a political ideology that advocates for a strong, directive role of the state in the economy. It is characterized by a mixed economy, where both the private sector and the state direct the economy, although the state has the upper hand. The ideology is rooted in the belief that the state, through its regulatory powers, can effectively guide economic growth and development. This is achieved through a range of state interventions, including planning, nationalization of key industries, and the implementation of various economic policies.

The term "dirigisme" is of French…  Read more