In January 2014, 102 measles cases linked to an outbreak at Disneyland were reported in 14 states. The outbreak alarmed the CDC, which declared the disease eliminated in the U.S. in the year 2000. Many health officials have tied the outbreak to the rising number of unvaccinated children under the age of 12. Proponents of a mandate argue that vaccines are necessary in order to insure herd immunity against preventable diseases. Herd immunity protects people who are unable to get vaccines due to their age or health condition. Opponents of a mandate believe the government should not be able to decide which vaccines their children should receive. Some opponents also believe there is a link between vaccinations and autism and vaccinating their children will have destructive consequences on their early childhood development.
Yes to those in accordance, by a team of experts. By other words polio vaccine yes, but a hugely rare disease no .
i belive that and essensial vaccine should be very much encouraged to parents to vaccinate their children, but the parents and carers should definatley not be forced.
No because it's up to the parents and their children and also some children are allergic to certain vaccinations. Also, you shouldn't be forced to have an injection.
No, its the choice of children
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